The objective of this article is to describe the evaluation process of the use of immediate result hemomglobinmetry in different regions and scenarios of the Sistema Único de Saúde, using a portable hemoglobinmeter of Brazilian technology. As methodology, after fi eld validation of the hemoglobinmeter against portable validated bench equipment, in venous and peripheral blood, evaluations of the use of the equipment in traditional basic health and family health units in the city of São Paulo, evaluations were carried out under the form of campaigns in Ilhabela-SP, Santa Luzia do Itanhi-SE, Afuá-PA and Macapá-AP. In all these localities diagnostic measurements were carried out, anemic patients were prescribed and supplied with iron sulfate, with monitoring at a half-way point and at the end of the 12-week treatment. The prevalence of anemia recovery rates was found to be 26,4% and 78,9%; 22,4% and 79%; and 54% and 60%, respectively. It was concluded that the use of immediate hemoglobinmetry with lowcost national equipment generated agility in diagnosis and treatment, with similar recovery rates in different regions around the country.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2011 Mario Maia Bracco, Fernando Antonio Basile Colugnati, Paulo Alberto Paes Gomes, Juliana Teixeira Costa