Prevalence of self-reported common mental disorders and its relation to health services in Baixada Santista cities – SP
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Common Mental Disorders
Baixada Santista
Health services

How to Cite

Morais, M. de L. S. e, & Segri, N. J. (2011). Prevalence of self-reported common mental disorders and its relation to health services in Baixada Santista cities – SP . Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 13(2), 141–146. Retrieved from


The aims of this work were (1) to identify, in the metropolitan area of Baixada Santista, the prevalence of common mental disorders (CMD) – understood as the respondents’ report of suffering depression, anxiety or having emotional problems –, and (2) to investigate the relationship of persons who reported such problems with the access to Health Services. The data were obtained in a survey conducted with 6804 respondents
living in the cities of Cubatão, São Vicente, Guarujá, Praia Grande, and Santos. São Vicente was the city with the lowest prevalence of CMD. There was higher prevalence in women, older, separated or widowed persons. 54.14% of respondents stated to have heard the diagnosis from a health professional and 42.70% self-reported the mentioned problems. 41.37% of informants declared never having sought health services because of such problems. The main reasons pointed to non-demanding health services because of CMD were: not finding it necessary, not having time and access difficulties. The findings indicate that many people do not recognize the CMD as a health problem, the “invisibility” of these disorders to various health services and the need to qualify professionals to listen and to receive persons with psychic suffering.

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Copyright (c) 2011 Maria de Lima Salum e Morais, Neuber José Segri


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