Health and the Intersectorial Actions in the Municipality of Embu das Artes
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Urban Planning
Health Promotion
Integrated Actions
Social Policy

How to Cite

Boaretto, R. C., Júnior, E. T., Pucci, M. de R. B. R., & Bernardo , J. (2012). Health and the Intersectorial Actions in the Municipality of Embu das Artes. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 13(3), 253–259. Retrieved from


The hegemonic ways of dealing with the complex health problems have not been, throughout time, satisfying and, in this context, the intersectoriality comes up as an alternative to overcome the fragmented model, and can provide the articulation of knowledge, intentions and different social sectors as an answer to the population demands. Based on this new logic for local management, the research has the aim to identify and to reflect about the intersectorial actions carried out in the city of Embu with a view to reduce infant mortality and its determinants. In order to discuss the challenge of intersectoriality, we see as necessary the approach of themes which are directly interconnected to the net of health management, such as equity, quality of life, social promotion and health care promotion, which, in turn, may be presented under different views of comprehension – from its conceptual understanding to the developed practices. We start from the understanding that the reductions of
infant deaths may be reached as a reflex of a proper and potentialized intersectorial articulation.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2012 Roberta Cristina Boaretto, Emílio Telesi Júnior, Manuela de Resende B. R. Pucci, Joyce Bernardo


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