Penile cancer, epidemiologic aspects and risk factors: making considerations about the promotion and prevention in the Primary Attention
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Penile cancer
Men’s health

How to Cite

Paula, S. H. B. de, Souza, M. J. L., & Almeida, J. D. (2012). Penile cancer, epidemiologic aspects and risk factors: making considerations about the promotion and prevention in the Primary Attention. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 14(1), 111–118. Retrieved from


Penile carcinoma accounts for 2% of the cases of cancer in men in the country. Although rare, it is aggressive and appears as lesions and changes in the coloration of the glans or as wounds or a persistent ulceration and tumor formation. The lesions are situated on the glans, on the prepuce or on the penis body
and also in the inguinal nodes. This article explores epidemiologic aspects and risks for penile cancer, and makes a synthesis and a brief reflection based
on a review of the literature in available sources in the Virtual Health Library (Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde). Literature shows that the great challenge is to bring
men to health care, to promote self-knowledge of the body and appropriated hygiene of the penis, to discuss a healthy lifestyle, to avoid tobaccoism and even to stop this practice, to undergo neonatal circumcision, as well as to stimulate men to seek for health services, once it is necessary to conceive proper spaces for the needs of the men population.

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Copyright (c) 2012 Silvia Helena Bastos de Paula, Maria José Leonardo Souza, Juliane Daniee Almeida


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