Violence is a phenomenon which, in addition to social unrest, is presenting each year an increase in the number of its victims. This study employed a descriptive and exploratory information in the Database Information System for Notifiable Diseases (Sinan) in the period between the years 2009 to 2011. The data revealed in the analyzed period a total of 65 reports of violence. Among these, 70% the victim was female, age range 20-29 years had the highest numbers, the place of occurrence was mostly in their own homes; body strength/beating was the most commonly reported means of aggression. In 40% of cases the spouse was the attacker, 38 cases had routing outpatient, 17 routing hospital, all were discharged and there were no deaths due to violence. Thinking about strategies to deal with violence it turns out that in 43% of cases, the victim was assaulted earlier. Another important result was to detect the importance of visualization in Sinan this issue in our country and in this regard the importance of training and education of health professionals in filling this information system.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Seloi da Rosa Weber Galindo, Marta Rovery de Souza