Decline in cardiovascular mortality and social inequalities in the municipality of São Paulo: 1996-1998 and 2003-2005
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Cardiovascular disease
health inequalities

How to Cite

Farias, N., Laurent, R., & Holcman, M. M. (2010). Decline in cardiovascular mortality and social inequalities in the municipality of São Paulo: 1996-1998 and 2003-2005. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 12(2), 127–132. Retrieved from


The objective of this article is to evaluate the differences in mortality by the group of cardiovascular diseases in the population of the municipality of São Paulo, according to socioeconomic areas between the periods of 1996 to 1998 and 2003 to 2005. The data were obtained from the
Program for Improvement of Mortality Information of the Municipality of São Paulo. The socioeconomic areas were outlined starting from the map of social inclusion for the city. Mortality coeffi cients by sex, standardized by age, were calculated for each area and period. Mortality coeffi cients decreased between periods in all socioeconomic areas. The highest coeffi cients were observed in area 3 (social exclusion), and the lowest in area 2 (social inclusion). The coeffi cient rate between periods shows an increase in the excess of mortality in the poorest area (5) relative to the wealthiest area (1), which went from +2% (1996 to 1998) to +38% (2003 to 2005) in the male population and from -21% to +7% in the female, respectively. The social inequality in cardiovascular mortality, evaluated by the changes of gradient of the coefficients between socioeconomic areas of residence increased between periods. This inequality was greater in the male population compared to the female.

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Copyright (c) 2010 Norma Farias, Ruy Laurent, Marcia Moreira Holcman


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