Health Policy for the black population in the State of São Paulo: focusing to promote the universal right to health care?
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Public policies
health of the black population

How to Cite

Batista, L. E., & Monteiro, R. B. (2010). Health Policy for the black population in the State of São Paulo: focusing to promote the universal right to health care?. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 12(2), 172–178. Retrieved from


The objective of this article is to present the policies, programs and actions taken by the State Secretary of Health of São Paulo to ensure integral attention to health care of the black population under the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS – Single Health Care System) in São Paulo. We endeavor to show how the policy of integral health of the black population (PNSIPN) seeks to complement, perfect and make feasible the universal policy in the environment of public health, observing the characteristics of the health-sickness process of the black population.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2010 Luis Eduardo Batista, Rosana Batista Monteiro


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