Comunicação em saúde: variáveis que interferem na recepção da mensagem
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Interpersonal communication
communication contexts
social cognition

How to Cite

Reis, D. S. de M. (2010). Comunicação em saúde: variáveis que interferem na recepção da mensagem. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 12(1), 16–21. Retrieved from


Interpersonal communication is an interaction standard that defi nes the relation connecting people one another. Communication is not that much what we do, but what we take part in. An individual communicator contributes for the interaction. Along, two or more individuals can create an interaction standard and, thus, defi ne their relation. It is important that each participant in the communication can be able to adapt to the other person, to the context and to the singular type of relation it is involved in. Communication contexts can be considered, in several and varied ways, such as a) great areas defi ning the communication fi eld (interpersonal communication, public communication), b) the social and institutional confi gurations (schools, prisons, among others), c) the types of relations and the roles (work, social and familiar), d) objects or features of an environment and e) variable messages (the language styles affect the previous and subsequent exposure to the text). Therefore,
context might comprise the psychological, behavioral and environmental perspectives. The study of the interpersonal communication has been recognizing the importance of the reciprocal relation between thought and manifested behavior. The work in this area might be subdivided into two categories: comprehension of the social cognition relations and the social behavior, and the conception of the shaping and arrangement of
the social cognition.

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