Imersões, reciclagens e singularidades
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social networks

How to Cite

Borges, . F., & Etlin, M. (2010). Imersões, reciclagens e singularidades. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 12(1), 94–98. Retrieved from


Within this context, the immersion issue is dealt as a way of perceiving/feeling a certain space/ time, occasional or voluntarily produced, used here according to a concept by Deleuze for happenings, that is, it is about extracting, its insertions, a vivid idea of activism, a individual/collective arrangement for the creation of resistance situations targeting the environmental-political-social paradigms of the contemporaneity. A collective immersion is the rhythmic circumstance with incisive acting upon the bodies. Thus, our speculation surrounds the intensifi cations that the encounter among action, body, technology and time infer, and also how the rhythmic relations internal and external to the immersion are established. It is an important clipping although not restrictive. It is important for us to think of relation practices within social networks that are inwardly distinct, in collective immersive contexts, targeting the testing of languages and triggering co-constitution of realities and subjectivities, considering the temporal, spatial, territorial an cultural singularities of where one is, for, collectively undergoing a location without paying the due attention to the environment as a whole is to ignore the strength, the wisdom and the power of the environment, which determines the relationship levels, triggering or restricting the potentialities.

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Sites Consultados
Para EIA (Experiência Imersiva Ambiental)
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Copyright (c) 2010 Fabiane Borges, Marc Etlin


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