Evidence brief for health policy-making: facing congenital syphilis in primary health care
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Congenital Syphilis; Primary Health Care; Evidence-Infor-med Policy.

How to Cite

de Sales Dias, M., Maria Gaiotto, E. ., Regina Cunha, M. ., & Izumi Yasuko Nichiata, L. . . (2021). Evidence brief for health policy-making: facing congenital syphilis in primary health care. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 20(2), 89–95. https://doi.org/10.52753/bis.2019.v20.34486


Introduction: Control of congenital syphilis (CS) is a challenge for pro-fessionals and managers of Primary Health Care (PHC). Objective: To present the results of the synthesis of scientific evidences by which options for coping with CS were identified. Method: The SUPPORT to-ol suggested by the Evidence-Informed Policy Network (EVIPNet) was used to search for systematic reviews, with the identification of op-tions to confront the problem. The searches were conducted in Biblio-teca Virtual de Saúde, Cochrane Library, Embase, Health Evidence, Health Systems Evidence, Nice Evidence, Pubmed, Scopus. Results: There were 310 studies identified. After selection, we analyzed 20 systematic reviews that resulted in a set of options: 1) Expand the offer of screening test for all pregnant women and sexual partners; 2) To perform benzathine penicillin treatment for pregnant women and sexual partners with positive screening test for syphilis; 3) Develop strategies to notify sexual partners of patients with a diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections (IST); 4) Carry out health campaigns to inform the ways of preventing congenital syphilis; promote edu-cational interventions on condom use, IST prevention, and teenage pregnancy. Conclusion: It is expected that the scientific evidence pre-sented in this article may support managers and PHC professionals in the construction of health policies to confront CS.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Mariana de Sales Dias, Emiliana Maria Gaiotto, Marcia Regina Cunha, Lúcia Izumi Yasuko Nichiata


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