Background: High costs with biological medicines threaten the sustai-nability of healthcare services. The objective of the present rapid re-view was to inform the discussion of the National Policy for Biological Medicines within the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), through the identification of barriers to the uptake of these medicines. Metho-dology: Rapid review of the data sources: Medline via PubMed, EM-BASE, Cochrane Library and Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. Results: Nine cross-sectional studies were included. For the users, the barriers were lack of knowledge about the treatment, the distance between residence and healthcare services, the long waiting periods for care and the passivity about the treatment decisions. For the he-alth professionals, the barriers were acceptability of treatment, inter-changeability and substitution and the perception of lack on clinical data of efficacy and safety. For the payers, the barriers were high cost of medicines, reimbursement and assistance problems. No barriers were found for healthcare system in the included studies, only regar-ding the private sector, which was the patent protection. Conclusion: It is essential that decision makers use scientific evidence in healthcare policies. There is a pressing need to identify solutions to the barriers to access biologic medicines identified in this rapid review.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2019 Cecilia Menezes Farinasso, Roberta Borges Silva, Betânia Ferreira Leite, Dalila Gomes Fernandes, Virginia Kagure Wachira, Aurelina Aguiar de Lima, Daniela Fortunato Rêgo, Luciana Simões Camara Leão, Camile Giaretta Sachetti