Atenção básica e saúde mental
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Atenção básica
Saúde mental

How to Cite

Secco da Rocha, S., Vilella Mendonça, R. de C., Pavan Terada, . D., Amaral, C., & Batista Lúcio Santos, N. (2018). Atenção básica e saúde mental: uma prática possível. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 19(supl), 4–8. Retrieved from


With a focus on integral health care, the municipality of São José do Rio Preto started in 2014 the reorganization of the management of mental health care, with a proposal of transversal work among its different departments. The mental health demands of Primary Care were initially mapped and the situational diagnosis pointed to the following problems: high consumption of psychotropic drugs; difculty in handling situations of low complexity; isolation between mental health services and lack of investment in continuing and continuing education. To address them the management proposed the following actions: institution of the Municipal Conducting Group of Mental Health; Rational Use Group of Medication (GURA); Basic Psychiatry Group (GIP); continuing education for the entire Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS). As already anticipated, the restructuring of RAPS is a dynamic and continuous process, but preliminary data point out that qualication, articulation and permanent education are promising responses to health issues in general and particularly to mental health. The work developed proves that it is possible to promote, prevent and provide comprehensive and quali- ed health care, including its psychic component, at the basic level of attention when looking at the subject and his biopsychosocial illness in the family and community context.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2018 Simone Secco da Rocha, Rita de Cássia Vilella Mendonça, Daniela Pavan Terada, Cristiane Amaral, Nágila Batista Lúcio Santos


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