Programa de assistência integral em saúde bucal entre escolares no município de Ilhabela
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Saúde bucal entre escolares
Ações preventivas
Redução de cáries

How to Cite

Cavalli Torres, H., & Cardoso Galante, A. C. . (2018). Programa de assistência integral em saúde bucal entre escolares no município de Ilhabela: histórico de 2005 aos dias atuais . Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 19(supl), 76–79. Retrieved from


This paper describes the Oral Health Program with children from 0 to 16 years of age implemented by the Municipal Health Secretary in partnership with the Education Department of Ilhabela - SP, Brazil, starting in 2005, based on the Brasil Sorridente Program launched in 2004. The program consists of the intervention of four Oral Health Agents who visit monthly all municipal schools conducting oral hygiene guidelines, plaque disclosure and supervised brushing during the school year. At the same time, dental surgeons and their assistants visit the schools every six months for risk assessment, guidelines and topical application of uoride, sending all children in need of treatment to the Health Unit. As a result of the Program, there has been a marked decrease in caries. In 2006, children without cavities at age 12 represented 47.75% and DMFT of 5.80, while in 2017, the percentage of children without cavities increased to 80.88% and DMFT decreased to 0.99.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2018 Henrique Cavalli Torres, Antônio Carlos Cardoso Galante


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