As diferenças entre queixa e demanda no trabalho de redução de danos
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Redução de danos

How to Cite

Alencar, R. (2020). As diferenças entre queixa e demanda no trabalho de redução de danos: possibilidades para uma escuta clínica em espaços heterogêneos. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 21(2), 124–130.


This article approaches the political aspects Brazilian Harm Reduction history, as well as some particularities of its practice, as the clinical listening among the distribution of preventive gears and the strategies of bonding and caring on territory. The period which starts at the year of 2010, when a bunch of health policies on several areas started to respond the appeal for face the crack, consisted in a time of expansion of psychonalitical theories among Harm Reductors. It is on this context that we target to expose and refine the theory which has been developed by means of the work among the users on the streets. Finally, we highlight the meaning of clinical listening, building a difference between the complaint and the demand on the listening of the drug users, in a way to make possible a practice of caring with a subjacent refinement, as well as on the process to the other services and treatments.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2020 Rodrigo Alencar


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