Cânabis como terapia
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Sistema endocanabinoide

How to Cite

Filev, R. . (2020). Cânabis como terapia. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 21(2), 142–158. https://doi.org/10.52753/bis.2020.v21.34627


From Asia, cannabis has traveled the world for offering humanity possibilities for nutrition, protection and treat-ment. As one of the first cultivars of the agricultural revolution it was used to produce fishing nets, clothing and substances that interact with our organism producing various effects. Some of these are considered therapeutic which may prove to be the last alternative for people resistant to conventional treatments for a series of illnesses. Like all phytotherapics, cannabis expresses a diversity of molecules. Among these, cannabinoids are a large family exclusive to cannabis. These molecules are produced by the plant in different profiles according to the specie genetic variability. When ingested, these compounds act in entourage and, depending on the profile, the context of use and the individual who uses them, produce different effects that can be considered therapeutic, adverse, pleasurable and others. Discussing the interaction of the plant with the human organism in a society where this interaction is prohibited was the exercise that led to the production of this article.

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