The Judicialization of public health in the present day has generated innumerable problems for the managers, causing in the destructuring of the planning of the health services. In this study, data regarding the legalisation of drugs were used during the period from January 2011 to December 2016 in Ituverava/SP, with a population estimated by the IBGE of 41,414 in habitants. The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of the judicialization of medicines on the health of the municipality and how the Technical Evaluation Committee (C.A.T.), made up of a multiprofessional team, helped to reduce expenses. There were 404 judicialisations; in 2011 there were 41 shares and expenses R$ 52,641.03/year; in 2012 there were 67 shares and expenses of R$ 126,249.03/year; in 2013 they were 98 and spent R$ 257,530.22/year; in 2014 were 89 and spent R$ 648,098.76/year; in 2015 they were 109 and spent R$ 922,028.80/year; in 2016 were 128 and spent R$ 684,900.60/year. It is concluded that with C.A.T. it was possible to reduce expenditures through a more detailed analysis of the judicialization, not neglecting to attend to the population, being guided by the SUS principles for this service.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Sérgio Renato Macedo Chicote , Jéssica Cristina Caretta Teixeira, Alcides Antônio Maciel Júnior