The large number of elderly people in the world, in Brazil and in Santos is a reality to be faced by health managers. As an innovative strategy for coping with the aging process, with a view to integral care and respecting the individuality of each individual, the Movement with Music and Dance Program (MMDP) of the Municipal Health Department was born. The purpose of this article is to describe the MMDP and its expansion in the SUS in Santos/SP city. The activity is done in a group, weekly, one-hour long. Participants are seated in a circle of chairs and perform choreographic movements with the sound of songs. They also include group dynamics, date celebrations, health education activities, workshops, presentations at events and activities outside the walls. A study conducted in 2010 suggested that the actions performed were effective in reducing the depressive condition in long term participation. In 2016 there was an investment in the program and we had an expansion to 45% of Santos’ UBS. Adherence of the elderly has increased by 20 times in these years. It is concluded that with this practice of integrative health to promote health, the Health Department corroborates with the purposes of the National Program of the Elderly Health.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2017 Gisele Prata Real, Cremilde Martins Tavares, Karen Kiss Henke, Maira Heise, Rosangela Mendes Vieira