This study aims to present the construction of the Psychosocial Attention Network (RAPS) in the municipality of Santa Bárbara d ‘Oeste since 2013, considering the absence of Public Mental Health Policies in the municipality in line with the National Mental Health Policy, supported in Law 10.216 / 02 and Administrative Rule MS / GM 336/02. This construction began by changing the paradigms of the health professionals in relation to the care and attention to mental health until the implantation of the facilities that compose the RAPS. The results obtained were the exit of an exclusively outpatient and asylum model for a model recommended by the Psychiatric Reform and according to the National Policies in Mental Health. We currently have CAPS II implanted and the AD and Youth Nuclei awaiting accreditation for CAPS AD and CAPS Youth and we are in the process of building a CAPS AD III.
União, Brasília, 2011.
2. _______ Lei 10.216, de 6 de abril de 2001. Dispõe sobre a proteção e os direitos das pessoas portadoras de transtornos mentais e redireciona
o modelo assistencial em saúde mental. Diário Oficial da União. 9 Abr 2001.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2017 Aline Zeeberg, Danieli Marinho de Souza , Solange Cristina Camargo de Moreira Couto