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How to Cite

Malvezzi, M. (2017). Sustentabilidade: desdobramentos face a uma busca emancipatória. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 18(2), 174–184.


The present research aimed to study sustainability and emancipation as interdependent pillars of man’s and society’s existence. Here, sustainability is understood as the possibility of permanence, continuity of both. Emancipation is understood as the experience of ones ontological condition, as being able to participate in ones own future. A brief analysis of the productions of these objects is enough to expose their complexity and the interdependent relationship with which they are implicated, in a dialectical movement in which the realization of one requires the understanding and consideration of the other. This article therefore took the examination of sustainability and emancipation as its main object. In order to do so, through the application of Q Methodology, it searched the lexical meaning of sustainability in professionals who work with actions and reflections focused on this theme. As the main consideration of this survey, it was observed that the understandings of sustainability were mostly linked to the controls of the physical damages to the environment and that sustainability and emancipation, main object of this research, don’t associate to each other in the actions proposed by the participants. This fact reinforces the long path to be followed in the discussion of these pillars, as crucial elements of human life, since sustainability can only be possible by individuals who aim emancipation and therefore are able to build a narrative of their own.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Mariana Malvezzi


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