The article discusses the experience developed in the project “A Toast to Health”, to promote the reduction of damages in the con-
sumption of alcoholic drinks, also aiming to reduce their impact on the use of condoms and on the association of unprotected sex and
exposure to sexually transmitted diseases Communicable diseases and HIV / AIDS and pregnancy. Thematic debates on vulnera-
bility and alcohol were carried out, involving the main institutions that discuss the theme and created a contest to make pieces for
bars and leisure spaces frequented by young people (cup holders, bottle holders, table games, posters, etc.). For diffusion in large
universities in São Paulo, aiming at the participation of students of Arts, Communication, Advertising and Marketing and related areas
in these events and in the discussion and preparation of educational messages aimed at the conscious consumption of beverages.
The results showed intense presence of young people in the events and participation in the contest, creating educational advertising
pieces that speak in the young language to their own peers with a harm reduction strategy.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2017 Regina Figueiredo, Marta McBritton, Elisa Codonho Premazzi, Claudia Reggiani, Adriana Navarro Nabeiro, Regiane Garcia