Um olhar sobre os acumuladores no território de São Miguel Paulista, no desafio de um trabalho multiprofissional intersetorial, visando à atenção integral
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Ação intersetorial
Saúde mental

How to Cite

Zerba Corrêa, J. G., Costa Ferreira, G., Alcantara Ambrosio, S., Lira Florentino, V. I., & Garcia Braga dos Anjos, P. (2016). Um olhar sobre os acumuladores no território de São Miguel Paulista, no desafio de um trabalho multiprofissional intersetorial, visando à atenção integral. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 17(supl), 91–94. Retrieved from


The compulsive accumulator syndrome, also known as Diogenes Syndrome, is characterized for breaking and rejecting social patterns observed in severe personal and habitational careless, in non-social coexistence, in the reduced insight for the problem, as well as the behavior of hoarding garbage and(or) animals. This paper aims the humanized attention to people who have the Syndrome and live in São Miguel, in a try of identifying early this individuals and improve the treatment and monitoring, carried out by Compulsive Accumulator Support Group, which integrates many services of the region. For 11 accumulators that were monitored, between February and August 2015, the preponderance was of garbage hoardings (80%), female sex (70%) and elderly (70% older than 60). Therefore, it can be stated that these data is not different from what is found in bibliography about this topic. Based on these initial data, programs of shelter to this part of the population and the preparation for servants to recognize and assist these patients can be better made.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


ALMEIDA, R.; RIBEIRO, O. Síndrome de Diógenes: revisão sistemática da literatura, Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública, vol 30, n 01, Lisboa, 2012.
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2016 João Gabriel Zerba Corrêa, Guilherme Costa Ferreira, Sueli Alcantara Ambrosio, Valéria Iracy Lira Florentino, Patrícia Garcia Braga dos Anjos


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