Efeitos da exposição ao crack durante a vida intrauterina no desenvolvimento perinatal
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How to Cite

Costa Timoteo, A., Kuahara Camiá, G. E., & Lopes, . C. (2021). Efeitos da exposição ao crack durante a vida intrauterina no desenvolvimento perinatal. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 17(2), 120–127. https://doi.org/10.52753/bis.v17i2.35279


Identify the effects of intra uterine exposure to cocaine, in the form of crack, associated or not with the use of other drugs of abuse in newborns. Retrospective study, conducted through information obtained from medical records of 85 neonates born in a philanthropic hospital in São Paulo, mothers who reported crack use during pregnancy. The results showed that 51 infants (60%) had gestational age at term and preterm 38%. Most mothers had syphilis 54.2%, 13.3% HIV and syphilis and 7.2% only HIV. These high rates of infection in this population calls attention, increasing chances for developmental problems due to exposure of the fetus. 1% had abnormal head circumference (microcephaly) and 1% died shortly after birth. All newborn have large periods of postpartum hospitalization (26.5 ± 1.9 days). These data together show that mothers who reported having used crack during pregnancy resonated with negative consequences for newborns.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2016 Alessandra Costa Timoteo, Gislaine Eiko Kuahara Camiá, Cristiane Lopes


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