Rapid reviews in the context of health decisions have been widely used and gained legitimacy over time. Under various names, rapid reviews have been employed as in the process of incorporation, change and exclusion of health technologies in the macro and meso levels of the health system, as in clinical decisions and even in supporting the development of health policies. The purpose of this rapid review was to analyze the scientific literature on rapid reviews, with emphasis on methodological aspects. From a search performed in five scientific literature databases twelve studies were selected for analysis. It was found that, despite the growing discussion about the rapid reviews in recent years, there is still no consensus of the international community regarding their definition, the time of execution of this type of study, the standardization of a methodology and its applications. Seminar held in Canada in 2015 highlighted the growing importance of rapid reviews, their practices and gaps. Three key areas that emerged in the discussion were: how to conduct a rapid review and understand their validity and utility, and how to improve access to them. Given the nature of rapid reviews they often are not published, so it is important to create opportunities to share this information. Brazil, as example of some countries, developed methodological guidelines for the preparation of quick review, which is in its fourth edition.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Tereza Setsuko Toma, Amanda Cristiane Soares