The cost-minimization analysis of the Top Maternal and infant radiant warmer for temperature maintenance of healthy newborns in the first hour of life
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Regulação da temperatura corporal
Análise de custo em saúde

How to Cite

Sartori de Albuquerque, R., Mariani Neto, C., Sanches Bersusa, A. A., Alves da Nóbrega, C., Souza Queiroz, H., & Ozeki, E. (2016). The cost-minimization analysis of the Top Maternal and infant radiant warmer for temperature maintenance of healthy newborns in the first hour of life. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 17(1), 152–159.


Introduction: Systematic reviews and a clinical study conducted at the Maternity Hospital Leonor Mendes de Barros (HMLMB) found that healthy newborns exposed to infant radiant warmer (IRW) or skin to skin contact favored by TOP Maternal (TOP) in the first hour of life, have an equivalent thermoregulation. Objective: To analyze the cost of the infant radiant warmer and TOP Maternal to serve the healthy newborns in the first hour of life in order to maintain their temperature. Method: The cost-minimization analysis on assistance to newborns with use of TOP Maternal and infant radiant warmer. Results: It was identified that the cost of care on average to newborns in IRW is R$ 3.39, while the TOP is R$ 0.75. Conclusion: It can be identified by studying the amount spent on the TOP is more than four times lower when compared to IRW. Both the infant radiant warmer, as the TOP Maternal keeps the recommended temperature for thermoregulation, but the use of TOP can provide other benefits such as: calm the baby, breastfeeding success and mother-child bond already described in literature. The infant radiant warmer is still recommended equipment for newborns with limited temperature adaptation to the environment, such as premature and low-birth-weight infants.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2016 Rosemeire Sartori de Albuquerque, Corintio Mariani Neto, Ana Aparecida Sanches Bersusa, Cátia Alves da Nóbrega, Hanna Souza Queiroz, Elisabete Ozeki


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