Strategy for the integration of health services - ambulatory, emergency room and referenced hospital
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Sexually transmitted infections
Public Health

How to Cite

Bombarda, F., Smolentzov, S., Andrades Lima, L. C., Martins Ferreira Júnior, D., & Margareth Exaltação, S. (2015). Strategy for the integration of health services - ambulatory, emergency room and referenced hospital: six years of experience in Araçatuba. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 16(supl.), 48–51. Retrieved from


Patients of the STD/AIDS ambulatory of Aracatuba are treated in various spheres of the municipal health system. Each service was provided with a different work dynamic and professionals were provided with own behaviors and experiences. Although the dynamics is appropriate from a structural point of view, it was remarkable a functional weakness in the integration of services which could be translated as low efficiency. We implemented a flow management and resolution system based on the sharing of professionals and standardization of procedures without financial investments and experienced a significant gain in quality of care and, after six years, we reviewed our data and concluded in this paper that the resoluteness was significant.

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