Strengthening strategies of the Local Health Council of the “Wilma Delphina de Oliveira Garotti” - Vila Tibério Basic Health Unit
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Social Participation
Social Control
Unified Health System

How to Cite

Rissato Narciso, E., & Cabral, . A. L. (2015). Strengthening strategies of the Local Health Council of the “Wilma Delphina de Oliveira Garotti” - Vila Tibério Basic Health Unit. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 16(supl.), 100–105. Retrieved from


This paper is about an intervention project aimed at strengthening the Local Health Council of the Vila Tibério Basic Health Unit and aims at reflecting on the importance of the interaction among public spaces for effective participation and social control, reporting on the importance of the Local Health Council (CLS) in the SUS service, with effective participation in the management of the health policies of the Vila Tibério Basic Health Unit at Ribeirão Preto. The methodological approach used for the preparation of this project was: bibliographic research on the topics of social participation, social control, unified health system and reporting of the experience of the CLS performance, with proposals for intervention strategies. The results suggest that after the intervention proposals, there was an increase of users with effective participation in local council meeting, proving that the Councils are fundamental to the restructuring of the health services, in addition to exercising social control over the management of the health system. We noted the magnitude of social participation in the consolidation of the public health system and learned how to overcome corporate positions building a broader view of public service. The CLS has the function of bringing the community in the dynamics of the unit’s health services, strengthening social control through effective social participation, interacting with other neighborhood organizations, identifying existing problems in the community and raising the strategic actions for the solution of prioritized problems. In addition to strengthening our CLS, we want to encourage the other Basic Health Units in the training of their Local Health Council, showing the advantages of working with social participation.

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