Georeferencing of child mortality information
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Child Death Rate

How to Cite

Borlina Maia, P., & Benedito Marangone Camargo, A. (2015). Georeferencing of child mortality information: a look to the urban differentials in São Paulo Metropolitan Region. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 16(2), 26–36.


The great technologic development observed in the last years made possible the allocation of personal computers that have great capacity, the improvement of cartographic maps, the upgrading of addresses and information bases. This also allows that information from different areas can be better analyzed and observed in a more practical way. Briefly, the georeferenced data whit an address can be considered as “the process of association between this data and a map, and it can be executed in three basic ways: association to a point, a line or an area”. This presented example refers to child deaths whose mothers live in São Paulo metropolitan area in 2012. In the last years, child death rate decreased significantly at the State of São Paulo and this region. This is only one among the many existent information that can be used, once the potential of using these information to the state of São Paulo is large.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2015 Paulo Borlina Maia, Antonio Benedito Marangone Camargo


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