This paper aims to estimate HIV and syphilis predominance on pregnant woman living in Mato Grosso, Brazil. It is a quantitative, descriptive and exploratory research, carried out through the application of a pattern form. This research was developed in 13 maternity hospitals of Brazilian public integrated health system (SUS) or convened to it, located in 11 municipality of the state. The population consists on all pregnant woman aging between 15 and 49 years, hospitalized and in labor. The amount of woman was about 4,000, based on the regional expected prevalence of the positivity of the grievance, from the sentinela parturiente nacional research, in 2004, through the Epi Info tool, with a confidence interval of 95% and an error margin of 1.11% for syphilis and 0.64 for HIV. 4,146 forms were filled out, making a total of 4,033 forms that were valid to the analysis. It was verified that there was a prevalence for syphilis of 1.3% in pregnant woman, being shown that this state index was steady since the last national research, in 2004, and of 0.8% for HIV, in pregnant woman. Considering this last index, there was a considerable difference, since that value doubled in the last six years.
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