Prophylaxis for open Internet and Dark Web
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Communication network;
System analysis
Dark Web

How to Cite

Maia, R. F., & Shimabukuro, A. (2020). Prophylaxis for open Internet and Dark Web. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 21(1), 9–16.


The open Internet is broadly known and accessed by the general population. It is considered an open and free world that promotes the circulation of free ideas, where any content could be spread and accessed without any sort of manipulation. The Dark Web is considered to be the opposite. It is a network in which cryptography creates a hostile world, full of criminal activities and all sorts of malicious contents, including several dangerous for mental and physical health and wellbeing. This work seeks to present what the Dark Web is, what are its contents and basic technologies to access it. The open Internet is also discussed by the same approach in order to emphasize that it is not an open and free world of ideas and speeches since content can be segmented according to the sort of criteria. Such control is performed from the basic internet technology up to the way that people behavior and content organization is done because, both follow a mathematical model called complex network. Such structure may be used to organize content and opinion bubbles. The education and knowledge about both networks are a prophylactic method to protect ourselves and make us use the Internet in a safe and healthy way
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Rodrigo Filev Maia, Adriana Shimabukuro


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