Fake news
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Fake news
False news

How to Cite

Lourenço, A. (2020). Fake news: just another ice wipe. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 21(1), 31–37. https://doi.org/10.52753/bis.v21i1.36725


Fake news is a new name for an old thing. This problem, in its current format, started in 2016 in the campaign for the US presidency. Although cited and commented on a lot, it is an essential subject, because disinformation seems to be advancing dangerously in some fields in the health area. Anti-vaccine movements, denial of climate warming and even “flat earthersare” often leading the debate. The arrival of the Internet and social networks has increased the phenomenon of fake news, creating dynamics for the dissemination of totally new false news. The
current political polarization, echo cameras, emotional drag and theories of cognitive dissonance and motivated rationalization
help to understand the phenomenon. Combating this tsunami of disinformation that affects various fields of knowledge is a pressing issue, given the harmful consequences of false news in society. In addition to the checking groups organized by traditional media outlets, public education and awareness is a central point in this war. But this is a complex undertaking, due to the emotional stresses that seem to neutralize the critical capacity that educated people should have. In the current scenario, we seem to be drying off ice, but persistence in this struggle is essential to oppose scientific disinformation.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2020 Alexandre Lourenço


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