The influence of social structure on the dissemination of behaviors and false health information
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Fake news

How to Cite

Sousa, Ítalo A. do N., & Costa, T. de A. (2020). The influence of social structure on the dissemination of behaviors and false health information. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 21(1), 39–46.


Information spreads in a simple way and behaviors spread in a complex way. In this sense, a better understanding of how we make decisions can contribute to the creation of strategies that encourage behavioral changes, helping preventive measures in health and inhibiting the proliferation of fake news. Therefore, this essay aims to raise a discussion on how the social structure can influence the adherence of new habits and the dissemination of fake information. Behavioral changes require social mechanisms such as legitimacy, credibility, complementarity and emotional
connection to enable their dissemination. The understanding of the social mechanisms of behavior is essential to develop effective strategies in public health interventions.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ítalo Alberto do Nascimento Sousa, Tainá de Almeida Costa


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