Appropriation and decontextualization of Quantum Mechanics in the Post-Truth Era
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Quantum Mechanics
Complementary Therapies
Quantum healing

How to Cite

Bailas, G., & Vieira, G. (2020). Appropriation and decontextualization of Quantum Mechanics in the Post-Truth Era. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 21(1), 111–120.


In this essay we will focus on the decontextualization of Quantum Mechanics (or Quantum Physics) by the so-called “healers” of the New Age. Our aim will be to explain in a simple way the origins of Quantum Mechanics and the dangers of its decontextualization. Quantum Mechanics is a branch of Physics. Such Science has no direct relationship with curing diseases, meditation and all kinds of well-being techniques. We also draw attention to the fact that currently our argumentative and scientific education is very low or nonexistent, thus promoting the spread of pseudosciences. This essay does not seek a final conclusion, but seeks to draw attention to the real dangers of these healing practices that can cause irreversible damage to the people who follow them. It is important to mention that we do not judge or question anyone’s faith and belief.
Nowadays, such alternative techniques are gaining more and more space due to the diffusion of social networks and the internet, but we
must work so that Physics is not diffused in the wrong way.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2020 Gabriela Bailas, Guilherme Vieira


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