Autism and activism through the Internet
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Scientific divulgation
Content creation

How to Cite

Chimura, W. (2020). Autism and activism through the Internet: an experience report from “Willian Chimura” channel. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 21(1), 129–139.


Willian Chimura, a researcher interested in technology-based interventions for autism, diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, started a YouTube channel in 2019. This channel has rapidly become the major Brazilian channel maintained by an autistic individual on the platform. This report covers some of the challenges faced in the process of web content creation about autism, using scientific references, produced to educate people about the condition. Additionally, tensions and issues that are currently being discussed by autism activists are presented. The content published on the channel has been approved by several health and education professors and professionals, and it is often being used in educational institutions and it is suggested to people that have a family member diagnosed with an autism spectrum condition.
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Chimura W. Autismo e ativismo pela Internet: um relato de experiência do canal “Willian Chimura”. Bol Inst Saúde. 2020; 21(1):129
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