The society of the spectacle and the rise of digital photography
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Society of the Spectacle
Photographic Image
Photo Framing
Prescription Drug Advertising

How to Cite

Venturineli, R. (2020). The society of the spectacle and the rise of digital photography: instruments for understanding prescription drug advertising. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 21(1), 187–198.


The starting point of this essay is the society of the spectacle, a society mediated by images and that is affected by the production of this spectacle as its own purpose; and the propensity for the advertising exploitation of medicines, which turns them into goods aimed at promoting health. It is sought, from this starting point, to inquire about the nature of the image, in particular the photographic image – considered a typical representative of image –, taking it as support for the dynamics of this society whose social relations are mediated by images. It is intended to recover the historical path during which the conceptual principles of the photographic image were produced, seeking to understand its characteristics. The photographic image allows an objective representation of reality, in function of its conceptual apparatus, which is based on perspectivism and framing and, simultaneously, contributes to conceal reality, due to the concealment of the conceptual operations involved in its constitution.
This provides an instrument for understanding prescription drug
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