Monitoring of child development
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Child development; Primary health care; Surveillance

How to Cite

de Melo Figueiras, A. C. (2015). Monitoring of child development. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 16(1), 77–83.


The interventions in the early years of life are essential for the child to meet all its development potential, making it necessary to be attentive to its development and the factors that may be involved in this development. It is therefore necessary not only its monitoring by family members, but also by professionals who can help identifying the changes. Although there is a consensus among professionals on the importance in monitoring child development, the way to do it is still controversial, standing out as the best alternative for the professional performance of primary care, the surveillance of development. This includes all activities related to promotion of normal development and detection of developmental problems of the child. Despite the existence of systematic road maps for surveillance of child development, this practice is not yet incorporated into the routine actions of health professionals in primary care, both in developed countries and in developing countries that are organizing their health systems as Brazil. Urgent measures, which include proper training and professional qualifi cation as well as the organization of health services in order to facilitate compliance with this action are needed.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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