Medical records and the memory of Brazilian health
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Medical records
Brazilian health

How to Cite

Bertolli Filho, C. . (2006). Medical records and the memory of Brazilian health. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (38), 12–15. Retrieved from


The renewed movement that, in the last decades, reached both the Human Sciences and the Medical Sciences Biological highlighted,
among others, the health professionals, patients and illnesses while “characters” endowed with explanatory potential not only of biological and psychological processes, but also of multiple instances of social life. With that, the files doctors
gained new importance, broadening the perspectives of analysis, not only because they present themselves as sources documents
for the study of the activities of the institutions and of health agents, but also for allowing, as wants Lain Entralgo (1984),
a better understanding of the individual and collective experiences with the disease, the stigmata, pain and death.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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BRITTO, L.P.L. Medicina e discurso. Campinas: Papirus, 1988.
CLAVREULl, J. A ordem médica. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1983.
FOUCAULT, M. O nascimento da clínica. Rio de Janeiro: Forense-Universitária, 1977.
LAÍN ENTRALGO, P. Antropologia médica. Barcelona: Salvat, 1984.
______. La relación médico-enfermo. Madrid: Alianza, 1983.


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