Building popular participation in the municipality of Francisco Morato
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Popular participation
Family health program

How to Cite

Calado, V. A., Bógus, C., & Conversani, D. (2005). Building popular participation in the municipality of Francisco Morato. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (37), 13–15. Retrieved from


The Family Health Program (PSF) defines as attributions common to all professionals who integrate the teams:
to elaborate with the participation of the community a local plan for coping the factors that put health at risk; promote intersectoral actions and partnerships with organizations formal and informal activities in the community to the joint confrontation of the problems; discuss of permanently with the team and the community the concept of citizenship,
emphasizing the districts of health and the legal bases that legitimize them; to encourage the formation and/or active
participation in the Councils Health Sites and the Municipal Health Council (MINISTRY OF HEALTH, 2000).
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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