Ethics and the production of knowledge today
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Knowledge production

How to Cite

Cortella, M. S. (2005). Ethics and the production of knowledge today. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (35), 5–7. Retrieved from


Let us emphasize from the outset: ethics is a matter absolutely human! You can only talk about ethics when you talk about human, because ethics has a presupposition: the possibility of choice. Ethics presupposes the possibility of decision, ethics presupposes the possibility of choice. For example, remember an old movie called “The Choice of Sofia?” There's
no choice there, choice is when you can choose, and there is no choice there: there were two children, she had to choose
which one was going to die, which one was going to stay; there is no choice, there is no ethical question there.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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