The process of obtaining the TCLE
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Research ethics

How to Cite

Oselka, G. (2005). The process of obtaining the TCLE: commitments and responsibilities. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (35), 31–32. Retrieved from


The so-called “term of consent” emerged as a na form of contract between the patient and the institution of health, formalizing
its authorization to carry out of routine clinical procedures. In Brazil, it was – and is still – common to the existence, in
health institutions, of documents of the "disclaimer" type that, as its name implies, it formalized the consent of the patient with the handling of his body, “giving up of his own body”, in the understanding that “the other know what's good for me.
" These documents follow the tradition and culture of the clinic, structured under the “knowledge health professional's hermetic"
that did not visualize the other as an autonomous person, with intelligence and ability to understand the operations that you would be destined. This was a way, deliberate or unconscious, of dehumanizing the object of attention into health.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDE, Resolução 196/96, Brasília, 1996.
Cf. Human Research Training: A Historical Perspective, disponível na internet:, 26/05/2005.
Cf. Schramm, F.R.; Braz, M. Bioética. In: Estudos sociais, éticos e jurídicos sobre genomas na área da saúde (Projeto Ghente) (http:// Disponível na internet: bioetica/historico.htm, 26/05/200 OSELKA, G.; FERREIRA COSTA, S.I.; GARRAFA, V. Bioética, hoje e no futuro. In: COIMBRA, J.A.A. (Org.) Fronteiras da ética. SENAC: São Paulo, 2002, 169-80, p. 171.Id.ibid., p. 180.


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