Research ethics in developing countries
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Research ethics
Developing countries

How to Cite

Bontempo Duca de Freitas, C. (2005). Research ethics in developing countries: the Brazilian experience. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (35), 38–41. Retrieved from


Since 1995, Brazil has been committed to organization of a system for monitoring the ethics in research involving human beings and this experience can be reported from three perspectives: the construction of regulations, the implementation of the system and the
accumulated knowledge of the profile and context of these surveys after 6 years of operation. The construction of regulation – The organization of the protection mechanisms of research subjects in the Brazil emerged from the National Health Council - CNS, as an action of social
control over the practices of science.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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Conselho Federal de Medicina , 1988
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MINISTERIO DA SAUDE. Manual operacional para CEPs. Brasilia, DF, 2002. Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Cadernos Técnicos, 1.
PESSINI, L. Building a New Culture of Ethics in Research Involving Humans in Brazil- Notizie di Politeia, Anno XVIII, v.18, n.67, p.1001-112, 2002.
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