Do we empower or not?
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Health education

How to Cite

Nico Monteiro, P. H. (2004). Do we empower or not? an overview of training modalities. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (34), 10–10. Retrieved from


We, health professionals who are dedicated to Health Education, we have a large part of the our personal time and effort in the elaboration, planning and execution of training actions for the sector workers. Whether out of interest and commitment personal or by external needs
and demands, we are daily proposing to form someone. For García (1999), “a training action corresponds to a set of behaviors, interactions between trainers and trainees, which can have multiple explicit purposes or not, and in relation to which there is an expectation of change”
and that “the concept of training includes a development dimension global human being and it is through the interformation between subjects that it becomes possible to find learning contexts that favor personal and professional improvement” (GARCIA, 1999).
artigo (Português (Brasil))


FREIRE, P. – Pedagogia da autonomia: saberes necessários à prática educativa. 6ª ed. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1996.
GARCÍA, C. M. – Formação de Professores Para uma Mudança Educativa. - Porto, Portugal: Porto Editora, 1999. (Coleção Ciências da Educação Século XXI).


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