Complexity, education and health
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Education and health

How to Cite

da Silva, A. L. (2004). Complexity, education and health. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (34), 19–19. Retrieved from


In this text I reflect on the paradigm of Complexity in Education and Health. I understand that there is a need to rethink the
caring-treating-teaching-educating, aiming at full humanization in health-disease. I also present my concerns while nurse, experiencing and researching a caring-to-treat-teaching- to educate linear, fragmented and medicalized. Desire contribute with a reflection on the subject that contemplates the human essence. Thus, I rescue the theoretical-philosophical
foundations of a series of authors with notable production on the subject. That said, I chose to divide this reflection into three moments: concepts inherent to the theory of complexity, pillars for education in the 21st century and human health.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


DELORS, J. (org) Educação: um tesouro a descobrir. 6.ed. São Paulo: Cortez; Brasília: MEC: UNESCO, 2001.
FREIRE, P. Pedagogia da autonomia: saberes necessários à pratica educativa. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra. 2000.
KUHN, T. S. A estrutura das revoluções científicas. 5.ed. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2000.
MORIN, E. O método 2: a vida da vida. 3.ed. Portugal: Publicações Europa América, 1999.
MORIN, E . O método 4: as ideias: a sua natureza, vida, habitat e organização. Portugal: Publicações Europa América (Col. Biblioteca Universitária, 63), 1992.
MORIN, E. O método 5: a humanidade da humanidade. Trad. Juremir Machado da Silva. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2002.


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