Living under the rule of others
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Social violence
Urban violence

How to Cite

Ferrari Chagas, E., & Botazzo, C. (2004). Living under the rule of others: autonomy and independence of people with disabilities. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (33), 29–30. Retrieved from


Violence is usually perceived as an expression of actions linked to delinquency and criminality. This is a vision that is present in common
sense and, therefore, installed in society. But if we see the violence as Minayo (1997) portrays, and that other works combine
(RISTUM E BASTOS, 2004), we could see other ways, often subtle, of which we remember the violence of domination or control of some
people or institutions over other people. In this perspective, violence is located in another category in which Ristum and Bastos
(2004) established. Such categories were posed by their nature and interaction causal designating the categories of personal causes and contextual causes. In the first, there is a reference to the drug use, emotional imbalance or temperament.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


MINAYO, Maria Cecília S. Violência social sob a perspectiva da saúde pública. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. Vol.10, supl.1, 1994. Disponível em:
<>. Acesso em: 30 mai. 2004.
SASSAKI, Romeu K. Inclusão: construindo uma sociedade para todos. Rio de Janeiro: WVA. 1997. 176pp.
RISTUM, Marilena; BASTOS, Ana Cecília S. Violência urbana: uma análise dos conceitos de professores do ensino fundamental. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. Vol. 9, n. 1, p.225-39, 2004.


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