Children's play
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Children's play
Quality of life

How to Cite

de Lima Salum e Morais, M. (2004). Children’s play: a place of health. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (33), 6–7. Retrieved from


The benefits of play and humor are undeniable for human health. Given the extensive size of the phenomenon of ludicity, I intend to stick
here when playing in the child, specifically up to the age of six. Brown (1998), dealing with clinical evidence of play, points out two
situations that attest to his importance in childhood and its repercussions in life adult: (1) studying the lives of some murderers in series, shows that, in common, they were prevented from play freely in childhood; (2) even before others evidence from clinical and
laboratory tests of seriously ill children, the first sign of improvement of your health status is behavioral, manifest through the
resumption of play, interrupted during the critical stages of the disease. From this evidence, Brown concludes about the restorative
function of play that, as like sleep and dreams, would function as a superorganizer of experience.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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