Quality of life
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Production of subjectivities
Power of creation

How to Cite

Fernandes, M. (2004). Quality of life: a contribution from the politics of contemporary subjectivity. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (32), 11–12. Retrieved from https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/bis/article/view/37603


This article has a double intention: the first is to rethink the concept of quality of life and ways of life under the aegis of the
politics of subjectivity, above all, in the ways of life produced by globalization and the technosciences, whose effects involve radical
change of the forms of human existence and require effort to development in all areas of knowledge. if the life is expropriated by the
capitalist market, it is demanded of public policies the understanding of biopolitical effects of capitalism, even in the poorest strata of population, which, contrary to what it may seem, suffer such consequences. The second is to redesign the so-called “subjective” and objective
aspects in the formulation of research on quality of life, referenced more by an ethical-political thought of integration of the models quali/quantitative and less for an ethics of opposition to the same. In this sense, subjectivity is not a ethereal superstructure, but
living force, social quantity, political power.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2022 Marli Fernandes


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