Healthy cities and communities
artigo (Português (Brasil))


Quality of life
Population health

How to Cite

Bógus, C. M., & Pompei Sacardo, D. (2004). Healthy cities and communities: mayors’ guide to promoting quality of life by the Pan American Health Organization. Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, (32), 15–15. Retrieved from


The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) approved, in 1994, the Regional Action Plan for the Health Promotion in the Americas. from that resolution of its Board of Directors, strategies identified with the promotion and protection of the health of populations came to be valued as capable to change public health practice and improve multiple determinants of health conditions.
artigo (Português (Brasil))


PELBART, P. - A Vertigem por um Fio. Políticas da Subjetividade Contemporânea. Editora Iluminuras. São Paulo. 2000.

WILSON, R.H. prefácio Orgs. Qualidade de Vida, Observatório, Experiências e Metodologia. São Paulo: Annablume: Fapesp, 2002.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Cláudia Maria Bógus, Daniele Pompei Sacardo


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