The city of São Paulo has been carrying out a complex process of political and administrative decentralization. Law No. 13,399 of August 1, 2002 created 31 boroughs, and, in this article, we will deal with of the experienceof the Capela do Socorro sub-prefecture. It is is the largest in terms of population, with 563,922 inhabitants
(FUNDAÇÃO IBGE, 2000), and the second largest in territory, comprising 134 km² of the southern portion of the County. It consists of the administrative districts of Socorro, Cidade Dutra and Grajaú, with 82% of its area covered by the spring protection law. It is characterized for having a young and impoverished population, which contributes to high homicide mortality rates and high rates of teenage pregnancy. It has few social resources,
insufficient health equipment, urban infrastructure problems, revealing accentuated degree of social exclusion.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Fátima Madalena de Campos Lico, Regina Mara Ramo Aneiros Fernandez