The institution of the Unified Health System (SUS) in Brazil was a landmark of the State reform materialized in the 1988 Constitution.The evaluation of the impact of SUS actions on the situation of population health is the responsibility of the three government levels. When reviewing the literature on assessment in health, Silva & Formigli (1994) observe that the variety of definitions of terms used by several authors are related to the complexity of the object and with the different health concepts and practices. According to these authors, health assessment can focus on centered from the care given to the individual to policies and systems, through the services and programs.
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Previdência Social (INAMPS), e dá outras providências.
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CASTIEL, LD (1986). Considerações Acerca da Utilização da Epidemiologia na Avaliação de Sistemas de Saúde. Cadernos de Saúde Publica
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SILVA, LM da; FORMIGLI, VL (1994). A avaliação em saúde: limites e perspectivas. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Rio de janeiro, 10(1) 80-91, jan/mar
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Copyright (c) 2002 Virginia Junqueira, Iracema Ester do Nascimento Castro