In 1981, during the World Health Assembly (AMS), 118 countries voted in favor of establishing of rules to protectbreastfeeding against strategies used by industries to expand their infant milk market – the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes. Following the recommendation of the AMS, in 1988, Brazil approved the Brazilian
Standard for the Commercialization of Foods for Infants (NBCAL). Searching for a text clearer and more objective
interpretation, as well as adaptation to new marketing strategies, led to the NBCAL review in 1992 and again in 2001. text of the revised Standard was partially published in the Ordinance 2051/Minister's Office, DOU No. 215, Section 1, November 9, 2001. Others Coming Soon aspects will be addressed with the publication of the Technical
Regulation for Commercial Promotion of Foods for Infants and Young Children and Technical Regulation on Pacifiers,
Nipples and Baby bottles (both by ANVISA - National Agency for Health Surveillance).
Toma TS, Rea M. Avanços na norma brasileira de comercialização de alimentos para lactentes. São Paulo. Instituto de Saúde; 2002.
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Copyright (c) 2002 Tereza Setsuko Toma, Marina F. Rea
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