The history of sexuality is linked to the discourse that orders it. Based on this, the work proposes an analysis and problematization of the discursive powers and their possible consequences on the subjects’ sexuality, relating it to the biopsychosocial aspects of the so-called “sexual dysfunctions”, such as vaginismus, dyspareunia, sexual desire hypoactive and among others. According to Michel Foucault, the capitalist society that developed in the 18th century did not react to sex with a refusal to recognize it, but for a disguised taboo, it installed an entire apparatus to produce true and normative speeches about it. As if there was a need for this production of truth, as if it were essential that sex be inscribed not only in an economy of pleasure, but also in an orderly regime of knowledge. Thus, we seek to understand how these discourses trigger sexual repressions and self-repressions in the subjects, as well as the discourse, to search for the subjects’ possibilities if there are less repressive ways with their respective sexualities
or asexualities, looking at these issues not only as a norm, but considering what the subjects can and want.
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